Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through March 31, 2025. Learn More
Also, you have until March 31 to set up your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Health Services

Interventional Medicine


What is a Bronchoscopy: A Bronchoscopy is an procedure used to help diagnose lung problems. This exam provides a direct view of your breathing passages. A thin flexible tube called a bronchoscope is used. A special light and tiny camera are attached to the tube. Depending on the results of the bronchoscope, you may need other tests to confirm your problem. The bronchoscope may be used to gather tissue samples called brushings or biopsies.

A bronchoscopy takes about 45-60 minutes. During the procedure, you will either lie on a table with your head raised or sit in a special chair.


What is an EBUS: An Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) is used to obtain tissue samples from lymph nodes that are located outside the bronchial tree to diagnosis disease and to stage cancer. The process is similar to a bronchoscopy except the bronchoscope as an ultrasound probe in addition to a light and camera. This procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia sedation.

An EBUS usually takes 60 minutes. Due to the complexity of the procedure and number of biopsy samples required, times may vary.


What is a Laryngoscopy: A laryngoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that lets your physician look at the back of your throat and vocal cords. This can be performed during many different procedures mostly to look for any vocal cord dysfunction that could be attributed to your breathing problems.

Thoracentesis and Pleural Catheter Placement

What is a Thoracentesis: A thoracentesis is a procedure to remove fluid from the space between the lungs and the chest wall. It is done with a needle inserted through the chest wall to remove the excess fluid. Sometime a catheter is placed if it is needed to remove the fluid over a long period.

Before Your Exam

To prepare for your bronchoscopy, you may be told to do the following:

  • Stop eating or drinking for 6-12 hours before the exam, or stop as directed. If you have diabetes, ask what you may have to eat or drink before the exam.
  • Stop smoking for 12-24 hours before the exam, or stop as directed.
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home.
  • Read and sign a consent form.
  • Before changing into a hospital gown, you should empty your bladder. You will be given medications to help you relax and to prevent you from gagging. The medications may be given by IV (intravenous) line. Also, your nose and throat may be numbed with a special spray.
Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!